180 DSP™ Signal Level Meter
Basic signal level meter specifically tailored for installation and troubleshooting of RF signals
The 180 DSP is a signal level meter specifically tailored for installation and troubleshooting of RF signals.
Featuring fast measurements and powerful troubleshooting tools, the 180 DSP comes equipped with all the tests an installer needs to measure both Analog and Digital signals and ensure the highest quality installation—and includes a price point that makes it feasible for system operators to outfit their entire fleet.
Tailored for the challenges faced by installers, contractors, and service techs, this meter helps simplify decision making and streamlines standard processes and procedures, while improving tech efficiencies and the overall health of the entire system.

The 180 DSP features an intuitive, color touchscreen interface, simple pass/fail indicators, and autotest apps to streamline basic RF installation and make the installer’s job easier.
Everything about this next-gen meter was built with the technician in mind—from the quickest charge time of any signal level meter, to its unique, built-in LED flashlight and glow in the dark keypad for those dark, cramped spaces.
• Tailored to Simplify Installation and Troubleshooting of RF Signals
• 1.25 GHz RF Measurement Range with Channel Plan Auto Discovery
• Intuitive, Color Touchscreen with Simple Pass/Fail Indicators Reduces Installer Entry Errors and Improves Decision Making
• Multiple Tests in a Single Autotest App Provide a Convenient Way to Standardize Tech Processes & Procedures
• Powerful Troubleshooting Tools to Improve the Overall Health of the System
• High-Intensity LED Flashlight Designed for Working in Cramped, Dark Spaces
Comprehensive Testing

The 180 DSP makes basic RF installation a breeze for installers and contractors. Techs will appreciate the advantages of a quick and efficient device at their disposal, featuring a flexible and easy-to-operate interface inspired by modern smart devices.
With its built-in Ethernet Port, all testing results can be easily forwarded to the ViewPoint management software in the back office for near real-time views of measurement data.
Simple Yet Powerful
Providing the widest range of functions for an installer available today (as standard options), the 180 DSP includes virtually all the testing options an installer or service technician needs to verify service quality and easily identify and fix problems in the field.
• Auto Discovery of Channel Plans
• Multi-user and multi-language support
• Create jobs right on the meter
• Built-in web browser, real-time data transmission
• Interactive basic RF installation process

Total System Management
Combining the 180 DSP, 360 DSP, 720 DSP and 1G DSP meters in the field with the new ViewPoint Integrated Server in the back office, managers now have simplified access to intelligent management tools for monitoring, assessing, and improving the efficiency of their total operation, while making it even easier to obtain consistent, repeatable results that give supervisors that birds-eye view of the field for Total System Management.
By unifying an entire MSO’s field operations in one convenient dashboard, managers can easily verify compliance and quality throughout the entire plant, either by home, system, region, division, or any other attribute from a billing system.

This simple and completely customizable integrated system of field analysis and reporting tools allows managers to watch over their entire field operations in one dashboard, comparing each location in the system, analyzing the overall health of their entire organization, and addressing concerns in near real-time.
Standard Interfaces

• One or Two RF Test Ports (F-Type), dependent on RF board*
• • The 1 GHz RF board has 1 RF Test Port
• • The 1.25 GHz RF board has 2 RF Test Ports
• RJ45 Management Port (10/100 Mbps)
• USB 2.0 Flash Drive Port
Standard Testing Features

• Level Measurement
• C/N Measurement
• QAM Measurement (MER/BER/Constellation/EQ)
• Complete Channel Plan Scan with Tilt Measurement
• Return Spectrum Analysis (4 to 110 MHz)
• Ping, TraceRoute, VoIP & Throughput Measurements
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