Service & Repairs

Please follow the steps outlined below to ensure your prompt service and repair detailing for your instrument in need.

Obtain Repair Authorization Number (RA#)

Contact us for a Repair Authorization Number (RA#):

Click Here

When contacting us, please provide the model and serial number of each item you wish to return.

When a Repair Authorization Number (RA#) is created, we will send you an email confirmation which highlights all relevant details associated with your RA# for your records and follow up.


Please be sure to affix a Packing Slip to your package as well as a printed copy of your RA# email for that product.

Your RA# email will include the instrument model and serial number as well as the full contact details you have provided for the person to whom we should email the Repair Estimate, and your complete return ship-to address including postal code.

This will help to ensure your goods arrive here safely, and helps speed up turn-around time.


Ship your goods to the address as directed in your RA# for that instrument repair. 

As quickly as we can, we will email you the Repair Estimate for your approval, before completing any work.

Obtain Repair Authorization Number (RA#)

You will receive the Repair Estimate for your RA# by email.

If you have not received the estimate email, please contact us, including reference to your RA#.

Click Here

Contact us for your RA# to begin your service request:


Click Here

TELONIX stands behind every product sold, with unmatched technical support.