Video Assistance

TELONIX strives to be the asset resource for all telecom facilitation needs including product support you can depend on. As available, we also provide video product descriptions and use tutorials to further explain product advantages, innovations, and best-practices related.

Manufacturer Products & Practices Demos

How To

How To


How To

How To

Fusion Splicer Drop Test

OFS FITEL® S179A Fusion Splicer – Drop Test Demonstration

Fusion Splicer Maintenance

Instructional video demonstrating the procedures for maintaining the FITEL® S179 Fusion Splicer.


Alignment Fusion Splicer

Powerful performance, delivering fast and reliable optical fiber splicing even under harsh environmental conditions.

Fiber Optic Splicing –
Best Practices

A close-up look at the proper procedure to perform a fusion splice.


Fiber Optic Smart Stripper

Simplicity. Consistency. Efficiency. Simple, safer function.

OFS EZ-Bend Fiber

New EZ-Bend™ Optical Cable Video – Bending the Rules™ of Optical Fiber

ES-12 Universal Cross Connect

Velocity’s unique combination of launch box and universal cross-connectors.

RD8100 & RD7100 – Getting Started

Learn where locator’s hardware elements are, battery options, and set up.

RD8100 – Menu Overview

Learn how to navigate menu screen, and functionality of locator’s menu items.

RD8100 & Tx Transmitter Direct Connection

Understand why direct connection leads are used.

RD8100 & Tx Transmitter Direct Connection

Understand why direct connection leads are used.

MicroScanner2 Cable Verifier Overview

Overview video of the Fluke Networks MicroScanner2 Cable Verifier’s functions, capabilities, and features.

Procedures for Ribbonizing and De-Ribbonizing

TELONIX President Eric Goulden and Application Engineer Steven Sun demonstrate the procedures for Ribbonizing and De-Ribbonizing utilizing Fitel’s S220A De-Ribbonizer and S612B Ribbonizer.

OneExpert™ CATV
Sweep System

Demonstration of the function and capabilities OneExpert CATV Sweep System provides to increase operational efficiency with instrument standardization.


A comprehensive demonstration of the function and capabilities StrataSync provides system providers to increase operational efficiency with instrument standardization.

Deliver Gigabit
broadband services

A comprehensive opportunities demonstration of how VIAVI Solutions can enable deployment and testing of Gigabit Broadband services over any network.